GMM MIG 316L (ER316L)
- Gas pipeline & Tubes
- Chemical Plants
- Paper & Ink plant
- Acid tanks
- Paint Industries
- Textile Industries
ER316L filler metal is primarily used for welding low carbon molybdenum-bearing austenitic alloys. Good resistance to general and, owing to low C content, intergranular corrosion. The Mo content gives good resistance also to pitting. The 2% molybdenum content of 316L gives the weld deposit excellent corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures against “pitting” that may be caused by sulfuric, phosphoric and acetic acids.
Packaging Information
- 1 Kg/2lbs – SD100
- 5 Kg/10lbs – SD200
- 15Kg/25lbs/33lbs – SD300/BS300
- 100 Kg – Drum Pack
- 250 Kg – Drum Pack