GMM MIG 410NiMo (ER410NiMo)
- Water & Steam turbines
- Heavy Fabrication
Modified from 410 stainless steel to contain less chromium, more nickel and added molybdenum to eliminate ferrite in the microstructure and improve the mechanical properties of the weld deposit. 410NiMo is used for welding of similar martensitic and martensitic-ferritic steels in different applications such as for instance hydro turbines. Recommend using preheat and inter-pass temperature of not less than 300ºF. Post weld heat treatment should not exceed 1150ºF, higher temperature may result in hardening.
Packaging Information :
- 1 Kg/2lbs – SD100
- 5 Kg/10lbs – SD200
- 15Kg/25lbs/33lbs – SD300/BS300
- 100 Kg – Drum Pack
- 250 Kg – Drum Pack