GMM TIG NiCrMo-3 (ER NiCrMo-3)
- For cladding in Oil & Gas industries
- Casting
- Maintenance and repairs
ER NiCrMo-3 is used primarily for gas tungsten and gas metal arc and matching composition base metals. It is also used for welding Inconel 601 and Incoloy 800. It can be used to weld dissimilar metal combinations such as steel, stainless steel, Inconel and Incoloy alloys. Weld deposit exhibits high strength, exceptional corrosion resistance including resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion over a broad temperature range from cryogenic up to 1800°F.
Packaging Information
- 1 Kg/2lbs – Tube
- 5 Kg/10lbs – Tube
- 20Kg/40lbs – Box (4 Tubes)